Sunday, April 22, 2012

Meaning of Navaratri by Guruji..

Navaratri- Why celebrate it?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

As we take nine months in our mother’s womb, before we are born, we take these nine days to go back to our source. These nine days are to be spent in meditation, Satsang, silence and knowledge. During this period, the first three days are for Kali, the Adhishthata (the Authority) of Tamo Guna, the next three days for Maha Lakshmi, the Adhishthata of Rajoguna and the last three days are for Saraswati, the Adhishthata of Sata Guna. And when we move from Tamo through to Satva, Victory happens; victory over our own negative tendencies, like RaagDvesh (cravings-aversions), Raktabijakshur (inherent ‘tendencies in our DNA. can be changed only through Satsang) and Dhumralochan (the laziness of Mahishasur, the bull (thick-skinned); one who’s eyes are clouded with small-mindedness)

Upavaas (what is normally understood as Fasting) actually means ‘sitting close’; close to the Guru. And when you are close to the Guru, the Self, you are in so much bliss, that you forget to eat or drink! You don’t feel Hungry or thirsty. And now that has become a false notion about’ Upavaas’. We relate it to fasting. It is good, to fast once in a while, for a day or two. However, it is not worth eating fried foods in the name of Upavaas. Eat fruits. The main thing is to listen to the body. Give it a break from the daily grind of digesting three meals, etc. When you attend to the body and it is rested, the mind also becomes peaceful. You do not have to fast to please GOD. Do it to purify your body and mind. Observing silence is also good. Everyone need not observe silence, avoid useless talks. Ardha Maun (partial-silence) is fine. Keep silence with a smile and Upavaas

happens. At the end of the nine days Aradhana, let there be newness in us. Nav also means new. These are nine new nights. Krishna used to do a lot of Devi Pujas during Navaratri. He said; “I take a dip in my own Prakruti (nature), and come out to create new”. So, take a dip in your own nature and come out fresh and new. The more we go deep within ourselves, the more this Creation rejoices in celebration. These Yagnas have all the aspects of life so beautifully covered within them. It comprises of dance, music, food, celebration and everything. Not a single aspect of life has been left out. Do not let any complaints happen. Complaints drag you out; keep you rooted in the mud outside. Drop it all with a smile and go within. Spirit is invoked during, these nine days. And like the nine months of formation spent in the womb, spend these nine days within and form a new spirit. Then all bad karmas and impressions are washed away. Navaratri purifies the individual consciousness and then the universal consciousness, thence the entire creation.

Devi or Shakti is the Mother of Nature. She is Nature Itself. The whole world is

Her body. Mountains are Her bones. Rivers are Her veins. Ocean is Her bladder.
Sun & moon are Her eyes. Wind is Her breath. Agni is Her mouth. She runs this world show

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