Thank you for loving me
Thank you for looking after me
Thank you for your concern
Thank you for not judging me
Thank you for supporting me
Thanks for the shoulder
Thanks for the hug
Thanks for being there
Thanks for holding me up
For all the tears we've cried together
For all the late night laughter
For all the words of encouragement
For all the spilled out garbage
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
What else can I say but thank you to all my devoted friends
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Got this in an Email
Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin. As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will.
You will have your heart broken more than once and it's harder every time.
You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken.
You'll fight with your best friend.
You'll blame a new love for things an old one did.
You'll cry because time is passing too fast.
You'll eventually lose someone you love.
Every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.
You will have your heart broken more than once and it's harder every time.
You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken.
You'll fight with your best friend.
You'll blame a new love for things an old one did.
You'll cry because time is passing too fast.
You'll eventually lose someone you love.
Every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Monday, June 4, 2012
Despair out loud
Despair and fear
Its all
despair when no one hears
My soul is searching
It mounts to you
Its like a whisper, its like a
The midnight fence, that holds me back
It aches my heart with metal bars
Despair is all
i know
Despair its lonely yet its my home
Despair is simple, it holds 7 words
come join me
We wont die alone
Alone I sleep,
And alone I wake,
Alone I dream,
And alone I ache,
Alone I live,
And alone I cry,
Alone I think,
And alone I'll die,
Alone I try,
And alone I fall,
Alone I fail,
And alone I crawl,
Alone I break,
And alone I sit,
Alone I was,
Alone I am,
And alone I'll always be.
And alone I wake,
Alone I dream,
And alone I ache,
Alone I live,
And alone I cry,
Alone I think,
And alone I'll die,
Alone I try,
And alone I fall,
Alone I fail,
And alone I crawl,
Alone I break,
And alone I sit,
Alone I was,
Alone I am,
And alone I'll always be.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Some Words On " HURT"
" Words and hearts should be handled with care;
for words when spoken, and hearts when broken
Are the hardest thing to repair"!
'Broken hearts hurt more than broken bones'
' Getting hurt in the past will never be a reason
to hurt someone in the future'
'Its Funny how the people that hurt you the most
are the ones that swore they never would! '
' Hurting back the people who hurt you,
makes you just like them'
'Waiting is painful, forgetting is painful,
but not knowing which to do is the worst kind of suffering!'
'Not all scares show, not all wounds heal.
sometimes, you can't see the pain that someone feels'.
We ignore the ones who adore us,
Adore the ones who ignore us,
Love the ones who Hurt us
And hurt the ones that love us!
Monday, May 28, 2012
Its strange, i have all these feelings and emotions running through my heart and mind, yet i am not able to find the words to describe how i am feeling or what i am going through as of now.
Its ironic when there is so much going on , on the inside, one finds it difficult to explain and express about it on the outside!
This is kind of what i am feeling right now...
I am at a loss of words...! :(
One day one's world could be all honky dory, happy, bright and cheerful; and yet the very next day that same happy world could come crumbling down on you!
I don't think i'll be posting much in terms of my own writings etc, as i just don't feel up to it, or have the energy to express and explain what i am feeling; so would just let a few songs, their beautiful lyrics, some poems, sayings etc etc do the talking and expressing for me instead.
Not sure, and don't know how long i will be in this state of mind though, a few hours, days or a month or so perhaps; but untill then..would just let the music, songs, poems, speak and express the well of different emotions that are occupying my mind and taking up the energy in/of me.
So perhaps it will be able bring me out of my shell, my hiding, my hybernation soon..who knows..!?
lets see..
Friday, May 25, 2012
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Only Seven Seconds..
Only seven seconds.
That is how long it typically takes people to settle on their first impression upon meeting someone.
During those seven seconds very little of that impression has to do with what words are spoken but how they are spoken (tone and inflection) and the body language that comes with them. Is there a kindness to your voice? A sincerity in the greeting? A warmth in your smile? A connecting of your eyes?
Isn't it interesting though that as people are preparing to meet someone new they are more concerned about what they are going to wear or what they are going to say? None of that will possibly even be remembered by the person or people they are about to meet if there is a genuine interest expressed in those brief moments. Whether your hair looks good or you are wearing your favorite shirt will not make a difference when a person senses you have a true desire to connect as your caring spirit is what will be remembered.
Only seven seconds for someone to sense whether there is a heartfelt friendliness or a forced pretense. So before you meet someone new or will be in a situation with lots of people you don't know, check your heart attitude before the Lord. It's His love which will shine in the tone of your words and how your body eases as you meet and greet each person He places across your path.
That is how long it typically takes people to settle on their first impression upon meeting someone.
During those seven seconds very little of that impression has to do with what words are spoken but how they are spoken (tone and inflection) and the body language that comes with them. Is there a kindness to your voice? A sincerity in the greeting? A warmth in your smile? A connecting of your eyes?
Isn't it interesting though that as people are preparing to meet someone new they are more concerned about what they are going to wear or what they are going to say? None of that will possibly even be remembered by the person or people they are about to meet if there is a genuine interest expressed in those brief moments. Whether your hair looks good or you are wearing your favorite shirt will not make a difference when a person senses you have a true desire to connect as your caring spirit is what will be remembered.
Only seven seconds for someone to sense whether there is a heartfelt friendliness or a forced pretense. So before you meet someone new or will be in a situation with lots of people you don't know, check your heart attitude before the Lord. It's His love which will shine in the tone of your words and how your body eases as you meet and greet each person He places across your path.
You Get As Much As You Receive
This is one of the stories that I had read and liked ; its about two families living next to each other one is rich but their kids were unhappy, thin and pale, the other family was poor but their kids were happy, chubby and active.
One day the rich man had noticed that his neighbor’s kids is sitting on the window to smell what they had cooked…and he wondered why is his kids are not so active and happy as them…and he had figured out that the neighbors are steeling his food smell….
he immediately dragged his neighbor to a judge accusing him for steeling his food smell…
so the arrogant judge ruled that the poor man must pay money to the rich man….the poor man started to collect money from everybody in the court house promising them to return it immediately and put the money in a hat then he stood in front the judge and said I have stolen this man's food smell and in return I’ll give him this…
and he shook the hat…and said to the rich man you heard the money clinging … “I have paid you back what I have stolen from you”.
One day the rich man had noticed that his neighbor’s kids is sitting on the window to smell what they had cooked…and he wondered why is his kids are not so active and happy as them…and he had figured out that the neighbors are steeling his food smell….
he immediately dragged his neighbor to a judge accusing him for steeling his food smell…
so the arrogant judge ruled that the poor man must pay money to the rich man….the poor man started to collect money from everybody in the court house promising them to return it immediately and put the money in a hat then he stood in front the judge and said I have stolen this man's food smell and in return I’ll give him this…
and he shook the hat…and said to the rich man you heard the money clinging … “I have paid you back what I have stolen from you”.
This Song reflects my Mood
you can be right
and I'll be real
honesty won't be a pain that you'll have to feel
cause I don't need your approval
to find my worth
I'm trapped inside of my own mind
afraid to open my eyes cause of what I'd find and I
don't want to live like this anymore
there goes my pain
there goes my chains
did you see them falling
because this feeling
that has no meaning
there goes the world
off of my shoulders
there goes the world
off of my back
there it goes
does it scare you that I can
be something different than you
would it make you feel more comfortable if I wasn't
you can't control me
and you can't take away from me who I am
there goes my pain
there goes my chains
did you see them falling
because this feeling
that has no meaning
there goes the world
off of my shoulders
there goes the world
off of my back
you can't change me
you can't break me
there goes the world
off of my shoulders
there goes the world
off of my back
have you ever felt
like your only comfort was your cage
you're not alone
I've felt the same as you
have you ever felt
like your secrets give you away
you're not alone
I've been there too
cause everyone is looking
and everyone is laughing but I think
everyone feels the same
everybody wants to feel ok
everybody wants to
everybody wants to feel
there goes my pain
there goes my chains
did you see them falling
because this feeling
that has no meaning
there goes the world
off of my shoulders
there goes the world
off of my back
cause I don't want it
I don't want it
you can't change me
you can't break me
there goes the world
off of my shoulders
there goes the world
off of my back
there it goes
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Saturday, May 19, 2012
What should I say
Sometimes I should stop worrying wondering n doubting n take life as it is .. Have faith that things will work out .. N not how you planned but how it falls in place ...
Sometimes you never know the true value of the moment until it becomes a memory ...
Who Am I?
Sometimes I have to keep reminding myself
Who I am and how my life is different now.
Sometimes I wish it wasn't so easy to forget~
Sometimes I wish it wasn't so hard to remember.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Please Help Me God!
Dear Heavenly Father, I have been sad and upset in the past about many things. But now I feel a sense of deep bitterness which I know is uncalled for and not appropriate, but it hurts so much more than I have ever felt it go before. Please release me from this anguish, teach me to overcome this and still genuinely love others and be a faithful servant to you. May I be reminded that your grace is sufficient for me, that nothing in my hand, but your's and your's alone!
It is not my will but yours, and it probably is not for me to know what will happen in the coming days, months or years, but all you ask of me is to trust in you, in your promises, in your Word, in your justice, in your faithfulness, in your providence and in your blessings to come no matter what.
Thank you for loving me no matter how much I hurt you and still have to learn.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
My Mother's Day!
I had an awesome Mothers day this time! My little guy only 9, took me out for lunch in a five start hotel, and insisted on paying the bill himself. Obviously it was prearranged by my ex husband,( for which i thanked him afterwards ;) but it was nice to see my kiddo meet me at the front enterance all dressed prim and proper, waiting with a bunch of roses in his hand to greet me!
Felt like i was going on a date after ages!!! :0
We had a lovely lunch , chit chatting, laughing and just having a jolly good time together. I was so proud of him, he looked so handsome and behaved so maturely;
Kids these days do grow up fast i guess!
This lovely get together after a long while for both us, made it all the more special!
We took pictures together also...then afterwards we came home and spent some more time...with our stomache's all full and bloated with the lovely lunch we ate...played some games, cracked jokes, untill it was time for him to go...!
Goodbyes are always hard, and i didn't feel like letting him go...but i knew he had it was school the next day...and he had some school work to complete.
we bid our goodbyes...and he promised to come visit me soon again. Thanked my Boy for such a lovely Mother's day gift...and gave him the tightest hug i could and then watch him leave with the driver in the car.
I love him so much, and miss him all the time!
May God always bless my child...and be with him in good and bad times, protecting him under his wings, guiding and leading him to follow the right path always.
Felt like i was going on a date after ages!!! :0
We had a lovely lunch , chit chatting, laughing and just having a jolly good time together. I was so proud of him, he looked so handsome and behaved so maturely;
Kids these days do grow up fast i guess!
This lovely get together after a long while for both us, made it all the more special!
We took pictures together also...then afterwards we came home and spent some more time...with our stomache's all full and bloated with the lovely lunch we ate...played some games, cracked jokes, untill it was time for him to go...!
Goodbyes are always hard, and i didn't feel like letting him go...but i knew he had it was school the next day...and he had some school work to complete.
we bid our goodbyes...and he promised to come visit me soon again. Thanked my Boy for such a lovely Mother's day gift...and gave him the tightest hug i could and then watch him leave with the driver in the car.
I love him so much, and miss him all the time!
May God always bless my child...and be with him in good and bad times, protecting him under his wings, guiding and leading him to follow the right path always.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Appriciating the small things in life
Life in general is full of inspiring moments. Sometimes they hit us in the head
and sweep us off our feet. Those are the one’s that move you and fill you with
such intense emotion that you cannot but help to pick up a pen. I often find the
hardest times to write are those when everything is running “smoothly”. It is
then that we have to take the time to appreciate the beauty in the little things
and “normal” moments in our life and appreciate them enough to want to write
them down.
Friday, May 11, 2012
I wish i could ..
I wish I could understand or see the motives and intention of the people around me. To be honest even some of the intentions and motives of some of the people I call friends! I don't know where this sudden influx of paranoia stems, but I can't shake the feeling of individuals smiling in my face, but dogging me all at the same time. How would I react if I knew how people really felt about me?
I know that you can't make people love you or treat you the way you treat them, but I can wish can't I? I really feel like some thing is coming, but I can't put my finger on it.
I wish we could all just get a long. I wish we can all just be real in our lives for once!
I know that you can't make people love you or treat you the way you treat them, but I can wish can't I? I really feel like some thing is coming, but I can't put my finger on it.
I wish we could all just get a long. I wish we can all just be real in our lives for once!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Been There, Done That
I feel worn today. I look back over my 39 years of life, and I just sigh. I've seen more in these years, than some people ever will. I've witnessed heartaches, heartbreak, milestones, and miracles. For better or worse, it's my journey. This life I lead is leaving scars. Some are healed smoothly, and some are still real raw, but they are shaping me. I am seriously curious to see what the next 39years will bring.
Food for thought:
What will the world say about you in a hundred years?
I feel worn today. I look back over my 39 years of life, and I just sigh. I've seen more in these years, than some people ever will. I've witnessed heartaches, heartbreak, milestones, and miracles. For better or worse, it's my journey. This life I lead is leaving scars. Some are healed smoothly, and some are still real raw, but they are shaping me. I am seriously curious to see what the next 39years will bring.
Food for thought:
What will the world say about you in a hundred years?
Let It be a new Begining...
It's an endless cycle with me. I breath in. Loved. I contemplate. Mistrust. I breath out. The end of everything I love and hold dear.
I'm incapable of being happy with another human being because I am incapable of expression of self. I can't ever describe who I am or what I think and I rip up the ground that has been built up.
I want more than anything to end this vicious cycle of mistrust and idiocy. I want to trust and to stop being so insecure. I need to realize that I AM loved and that someone DOES care about me and I need to trust them and how they feel and just love them back with all I am capable of doing.
Please...God help me make it through all this bullshit with me. Be there for me. If i can overcome this crap; I'll be unstoppable!
Monday, May 7, 2012
“Mother Nature In Her Finest Dress”
Who says words aren’t powerful enough to move Rocky Mountains?
The right words spoken at the right time can pretty much capture them in an enchanting way as well.
The right words spoken at the right time can pretty much capture them in an enchanting way as well.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Who are we when noone is watching? Have you ever noticed how contrasted this thing is? I can go from charming and sweet to rage filled and evil at the snap of the fingers. I'm constantly amazed at the amount of stuff we can keep to ourselves. How many times have I felt devastated inside, and yet I smiled through it so I wouldn't weigh anyone else down. I shudder to think of all the times in my life that I looked someone in the eye, held a light conversation, and never let them see the real me. If I'm completely honest with myself, I've cursed my friend's, my relatives, a million times for being such a master at disguising pain. Yet I'm exactly the same. I tell myself strange little things. Like "there's no time for your problem", or "other people need more help than you". "Now is just not a good time for a melt down", or "there will be time for that later". The truth though.... My pain is as real and as pressing as anyone else's. My emotions are just as important as every one else's. There are no brownie points for holding it all together. No one will ever congratulate me for suffering silently. All that we have is today, and for today I choose to be genuine. I choose to speak truth. I will be broken and I will be brave. But mostly, I will be me...!
Where Have All The Good Men Gone?
Where Have All The Good Men Gone?
I swear there is a shortage out there. Is it too much to ask for one good guy? I'm not talking marriage material here (lets not get crazy), just someone date worthy. I'm not looking for something lasting, but whatever happened to having a laugh? Where are all the datable non apes?
I swear there is a shortage out there. Is it too much to ask for one good guy? I'm not talking marriage material here (lets not get crazy), just someone date worthy. I'm not looking for something lasting, but whatever happened to having a laugh? Where are all the datable non apes?
Friday, May 4, 2012
'I've got a rough and tumble heart
well, it took a few falls till it got smart
but its still tender in the deepest part
this rough and tumble heart'
The Nature of the blog world!
It is my belief that blogging can bring out the best and the worst in people. It's because of the nameless, faceless nature of the thing. Sure, you see pictures and you know people in a general way... but here in blogland you can show any side of your self you choose. It's important to remember that you're only seeing what the writer is showing you. For example, If you know me from blogging you know these things:
I'm poetic
I'm broken
I'm a fighter
I love my cats
I love my family & imp friends
I aspire to bigger things
I've experienced great loss
I worship God and a good cup of coffee
I have an odd sense of humor
I struggle with depression
I value my privacy
I am a Diva
But that is only a small part of who I am. I am a survivor. I am brave. I am direct. I am unemployed. I am tired. I am occasionally heart broken. I am hopeful. I am so many things that stitch me together. I don't mind listing my "I am's" . When they are all strung together in a thread it's really quite beautiful. But I would genuinely hate it if you spent too long looking at just one element. Please remember that I am all those things!
I love you all!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
I'm so used to being treated in a very specific way by men,
it's a shock when I'm regarded any differently.
A friend with benefits.
The true benefit being actual friendship!
I think I may not hate this developement. ;D
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
True love
blue love
in the new love
love at bay
love delayed
love in a vacuum
love in a vacant room
curious love
furious love
love tossed aside
love quietly denied
love for the ages
love for the sages
forgotten love
misbegotten love
patched up love
detached love
love for sale
love derailed
love till it hurts
hurt till you love...
The weight of lies
“The weight of lies will bring you down
And follow you to every town
Cause nothing happens here that doesn’t happen there
So when you run make sure you run
To something and not away from
Cause lies don’t need an aeroplane to chase you anywhere”
- The Weight Of Lies,
Avett Brothers
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
You used to give me roses,
i wish you could again
but that was on the outside
and things were different then
on the inside the sun still shines
and the rain falls down
but the sun and rain and prisioner's too
when morning comes around!
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Youre so good to me
I know but i can't change
Tried to tell you
But you look at me
Like maybe i'm an angel
underneath Innocent and sweet
Yesterday i cried
Must have been relieved to see
The softer side
I can understand
How you'd be so confused
I dont envy you
Im a little bit of everything
All rolled into one
I'm a Bitch,
i'm a lover
I'm a child,
I'm a mother
I'm a sinner,
I'm a saint
I do not feel ashamed
I'm your hell,
I'm your dream
I'm nothing inbetween
You know you wouldnt want it any other way
This may mean
You'll have to be a stronger man
Rest assured that
When i start to make you nervious
And I'm going through extremes
Tomarrow i will change
And today wont mean a thing
Just when you think,
You got me figured out
The season's already changing
I think it's cool,
You do what you do
And dont try to save me
I'm a bitch,
I'm a tease
I'm a goddess on my knees
when you hurt,
when you suffer
I'm your angel undercover
I've been numb,
im revived
Can't say I'm not alive
You know i wouldn't want it anyother way
We are angels,
we are devils,
we are weak,
we are strong.
We need you,
we need no one.
We are women.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
if only~
living in hope
that you would notice me
just a glance
would do me good
praying to god
that you would like me
just a crush
would make me happy
wishing to stars
that you would cherish me
just a little
would make me blissful
blowing to winds
that you would love me
just this life time
would make this pain worthwhile
Good People
“It’s not often life throws good people at you - but when it does, you’ve got to make sure you make the most of it.”
- Corey B
Friday, April 27, 2012
lull me into a beautiful dream
leave me with a false sense of security
shelter me from the truth with lies
show me the loveliness of you
the dreams that i once had were yours
here i am returning them to
so, please i beg of you, please
stay close to me now
at least until i cease to exist
that wouldn't be long till then
fading into infinity i feel myself
life that i cherished ,love that
i gave
you left them there to die
if it's not too much to ask
it's all right with you
do stay here awhile more
but don't wake me up
from this fantasy of mine
i would die knowing
that you aren't really
here !
What would you not change for love?
love should not become another tool to control women. As an adult, a woman should remain free to marry anyone from any religion. And if she chooses to, let her convert.
But my personal opinion is that love and marriage should not require either of the partners to stop being who they really are… simply because they can’t.
1. I feel one should not need to convert to a partner’s religion.
2. I feel one should not need to change names or surnames. It is inconvenient and unnecessary, but even if it was convenient, it’s based on the principal of ownership of another human. So the very premise, in my opinion, is wrong.
3. I feel one should not need to change feelings towards one’s own parents and family. Unfortunately girls are sometimes expected to do this; especially in joint families… Marriage should add to your life, not take away from it!
4. Friends and family are a support system, nobody should be asked to give them up. Also isolation of the victim is common in cases of Domestic Violence. (Now, the Domestic Violence Act has made it an offence to stop a woman from meeting her family).
5. One should not need to change one’s Personality. For example, no extrovert should be asked to become an introvert. That’s controlling.
Everybody, including women, must have some interests of their own, and some me-time, so if she is asked to stop interacting with the world (to protect her!), she better watch. Insecurity and mistrust are not good signs. And…
6. Trust must include faith in and respect for her judgement. Giving in to the spouse’s unreasonable wishes does not improve a relationship. Such controlling might be the beginning of Domestic Violence – verbal or physical.
7. The woman should be trusted to decide how she must dress, and not her husband’s grandmother’s cousin’s daughter’s brother in law!!
Do you think we should need to change ourselves for love or marriage? And how much? Is it true that we can find happiness in our partner’s happiness (after the first few months of a relationship), or do we need our own happiness too?!??
But my personal opinion is that love and marriage should not require either of the partners to stop being who they really are… simply because they can’t.
1. I feel one should not need to convert to a partner’s religion.
2. I feel one should not need to change names or surnames. It is inconvenient and unnecessary, but even if it was convenient, it’s based on the principal of ownership of another human. So the very premise, in my opinion, is wrong.
3. I feel one should not need to change feelings towards one’s own parents and family. Unfortunately girls are sometimes expected to do this; especially in joint families… Marriage should add to your life, not take away from it!
4. Friends and family are a support system, nobody should be asked to give them up. Also isolation of the victim is common in cases of Domestic Violence. (Now, the Domestic Violence Act has made it an offence to stop a woman from meeting her family).
5. One should not need to change one’s Personality. For example, no extrovert should be asked to become an introvert. That’s controlling.
Everybody, including women, must have some interests of their own, and some me-time, so if she is asked to stop interacting with the world (to protect her!), she better watch. Insecurity and mistrust are not good signs. And…
6. Trust must include faith in and respect for her judgement. Giving in to the spouse’s unreasonable wishes does not improve a relationship. Such controlling might be the beginning of Domestic Violence – verbal or physical.
7. The woman should be trusted to decide how she must dress, and not her husband’s grandmother’s cousin’s daughter’s brother in law!!
Do you think we should need to change ourselves for love or marriage? And how much? Is it true that we can find happiness in our partner’s happiness (after the first few months of a relationship), or do we need our own happiness too?!??
This despair that i've grown to love
this loneliness that i've
grown fond of
this life that i've grown to hate
this being that i've
grown to be
drifting away further and further
away from the reality
that hurt
drowning deeper and deeper
below the shimmery glint of revenge
who is this i see standing in front of me
with sad brown eyes and a
sad crooked smile
who is this i see touching my face
with cold cold
hands and icy stare
don't keep me here anymore
don't chain me to this
golden cage
don't tempt me with a brighter future
don't blind me with
hopes of love
merely an illusion of being
to disguise the hatred
merely an imaginary of life
to hide the ugliness inside
don't turn a blind eye to me
don't shut your ears away
don't run
away from my truth
don't kill what's left of me
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Taylor Swift - Love Story lyrics
We were both young, when I first saw you.
I close my eyes and the flashback starts-
I'm standing there, on a balcony in summer air.
I see the lights; see the party, the ball gowns.
I see you make your way through the crowd-
You say hello, little did I know...
That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles-
And my daddy said 'stay away from Juliet'-
And I was crying on the staircase-
begging you, 'Please don't go...'
And I said...
Romeo take me somewhere, we can be alone.
I'll be waiting; all there's left to do is run.
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess,
It's a love story, baby, just say yes.
So I sneak out to the garden to see you.
We keep quiet, because we're dead if they knew-
So close your eyes... escape this town for a little while.
Oh, Oh.
Cause you were Romeo - I was a scarlet letter,
And my daddy said 'stay away from Juliet' -
but you were everything to me-
I was begging you, 'Please don't go'
And I said...
Romeo take me somewhere, we can be alone.
I'll be waiting; all there's left to do is run.
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess.
It's a love story, baby, just say yes-
Romeo save me, they're trying to tell me how to feel.
This love is difficult, but it's real.
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess.
It's a love story, baby, just say yes.
Oh, Oh.
I got tired of waiting.
Wondering if you were ever coming around.
My faith in you was fading-
When I met you on the outskirts of town.
And I said...
Romeo save me, I've been feeling so alone.
I keep waiting, for you but you never come.
Is this in my head, I don't know what to think-
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said...
Marry me Juliet, you'll never have to be alone.
I love you, and that's all I really know.
I talked to your dad -- go pick out a white dress
It's a love story, baby just say... yes.
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh.
'cause we were both young when I first saw you
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Meaning of Navaratri by Guruji..
Navaratri- Why celebrate it?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
As we take nine months in our mother’s womb, before we are born, we take these nine days to go back to our source. These nine days are to be spent in meditation, Satsang, silence and knowledge. During this period, the first three days are for Kali, the Adhishthata (the Authority) of Tamo Guna, the next three days for Maha Lakshmi, the Adhishthata of Rajoguna and the last three days are for Saraswati, the Adhishthata of Sata Guna. And when we move from Tamo through to Satva, Victory happens; victory over our own negative tendencies, like RaagDvesh (cravings-aversions), Raktabijakshur (inherent ‘tendencies in our DNA. can be changed only through Satsang) and Dhumralochan (the laziness of Mahishasur, the bull (thick-skinned); one who’s eyes are clouded with small-mindedness)
Upavaas (what is normally understood as Fasting) actually means ‘sitting close’; close to the Guru. And when you are close to the Guru, the Self, you are in so much bliss, that you forget to eat or drink! You don’t feel Hungry or thirsty. And now that has become a false notion about’ Upavaas’. We relate it to fasting. It is good, to fast once in a while, for a day or two. However, it is not worth eating fried foods in the name of Upavaas. Eat fruits. The main thing is to listen to the body. Give it a break from the daily grind of digesting three meals, etc. When you attend to the body and it is rested, the mind also becomes peaceful. You do not have to fast to please GOD. Do it to purify your body and mind. Observing silence is also good. Everyone need not observe silence, avoid useless talks. Ardha Maun (partial-silence) is fine. Keep silence with a smile and Upavaas
happens. At the end of the nine days Aradhana, let there be newness in us. Nav also means new. These are nine new nights. Krishna used to do a lot of Devi Pujas during Navaratri. He said; “I take a dip in my own Prakruti (nature), and come out to create new”. So, take a dip in your own nature and come out fresh and new. The more we go deep within ourselves, the more this Creation rejoices in celebration. These Yagnas have all the aspects of life so beautifully covered within them. It comprises of dance, music, food, celebration and everything. Not a single aspect of life has been left out. Do not let any complaints happen. Complaints drag you out; keep you rooted in the mud outside. Drop it all with a smile and go within. Spirit is invoked during, these nine days. And like the nine months of formation spent in the womb, spend these nine days within and form a new spirit. Then all bad karmas and impressions are washed away. Navaratri purifies the individual consciousness and then the universal consciousness, thence the entire creation.
Devi or Shakti is the Mother of Nature. She is Nature Itself. The whole world is
Her body. Mountains are Her bones. Rivers are Her veins. Ocean is Her bladder.
Sun & moon are Her eyes. Wind is Her breath. Agni is Her mouth. She runs this world show
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
As we take nine months in our mother’s womb, before we are born, we take these nine days to go back to our source. These nine days are to be spent in meditation, Satsang, silence and knowledge. During this period, the first three days are for Kali, the Adhishthata (the Authority) of Tamo Guna, the next three days for Maha Lakshmi, the Adhishthata of Rajoguna and the last three days are for Saraswati, the Adhishthata of Sata Guna. And when we move from Tamo through to Satva, Victory happens; victory over our own negative tendencies, like RaagDvesh (cravings-aversions), Raktabijakshur (inherent ‘tendencies in our DNA. can be changed only through Satsang) and Dhumralochan (the laziness of Mahishasur, the bull (thick-skinned); one who’s eyes are clouded with small-mindedness)
Upavaas (what is normally understood as Fasting) actually means ‘sitting close’; close to the Guru. And when you are close to the Guru, the Self, you are in so much bliss, that you forget to eat or drink! You don’t feel Hungry or thirsty. And now that has become a false notion about’ Upavaas’. We relate it to fasting. It is good, to fast once in a while, for a day or two. However, it is not worth eating fried foods in the name of Upavaas. Eat fruits. The main thing is to listen to the body. Give it a break from the daily grind of digesting three meals, etc. When you attend to the body and it is rested, the mind also becomes peaceful. You do not have to fast to please GOD. Do it to purify your body and mind. Observing silence is also good. Everyone need not observe silence, avoid useless talks. Ardha Maun (partial-silence) is fine. Keep silence with a smile and Upavaas
happens. At the end of the nine days Aradhana, let there be newness in us. Nav also means new. These are nine new nights. Krishna used to do a lot of Devi Pujas during Navaratri. He said; “I take a dip in my own Prakruti (nature), and come out to create new”. So, take a dip in your own nature and come out fresh and new. The more we go deep within ourselves, the more this Creation rejoices in celebration. These Yagnas have all the aspects of life so beautifully covered within them. It comprises of dance, music, food, celebration and everything. Not a single aspect of life has been left out. Do not let any complaints happen. Complaints drag you out; keep you rooted in the mud outside. Drop it all with a smile and go within. Spirit is invoked during, these nine days. And like the nine months of formation spent in the womb, spend these nine days within and form a new spirit. Then all bad karmas and impressions are washed away. Navaratri purifies the individual consciousness and then the universal consciousness, thence the entire creation.
Devi or Shakti is the Mother of Nature. She is Nature Itself. The whole world is
Her body. Mountains are Her bones. Rivers are Her veins. Ocean is Her bladder.
Sun & moon are Her eyes. Wind is Her breath. Agni is Her mouth. She runs this world show
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Begin strong.
“Begin strongly. Have a theme. Use a simple language. Leave a picture in the listener’s mind. End dramatically.”
- Winston Churchill
- Winston Churchill
Friday, April 20, 2012
Rarest thing.
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”
- Oscar Wilde
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”
- Oscar Wilde
Taylor Swift - A Perfectly Good Heart lyrics
Why would you wanna break a perfectly good heart?
Why would you wanna take our love and tear it all apart now?
Why would you wanna make the very first scar?
Why would you wanna break a perfectly good heart?
Maybe I
Should've seen the signs
Should've read the writing on the wall
And realized
By the distance in your eyes
That I would be the one to fall
No matter what you say
I still can't believe
That you would walk away
It don't make sense to me, but
Why would you wanna break a perfectly good heart?
Why would you wanna take our love and tear it all apart now?
Why would you wanna make the very first scar?
Why would you wanna break a perfectly good heart?
It's not unbroken anymore...
How do I get it back the way it was before?
Why would you wanna break a perfectly good heart?
Why would you wanna take our love and tear it all apart now?
Why would you wanna make the very first scar?
Why would you wanna break...
Why would you wanna break it?
Why would you wanna break a perfectly good heart?
Why would you wanna take our love and tear it all apart now?
Why would you wanna make the very first scar?
Why would you wanna break a perfectly good heart?
Why would you wanna take our love and tear it all apart now?
Why would you wanna make the very first scar?
Why would you wanna break a perfectly good heart?
Maybe I
Should've seen the signs
Should've read the writing on the wall
And realized
By the distance in your eyes
That I would be the one to fall
No matter what you say
I still can't believe
That you would walk away
It don't make sense to me, but
Why would you wanna break a perfectly good heart?
Why would you wanna take our love and tear it all apart now?
Why would you wanna make the very first scar?
Why would you wanna break a perfectly good heart?
It's not unbroken anymore...
How do I get it back the way it was before?
Why would you wanna break a perfectly good heart?
Why would you wanna take our love and tear it all apart now?
Why would you wanna make the very first scar?
Why would you wanna break...
Why would you wanna break it?
Why would you wanna break a perfectly good heart?
Why would you wanna take our love and tear it all apart now?
Why would you wanna make the very first scar?
Why would you wanna break a perfectly good heart?
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