“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person”
Marriage statistics are disheartening to look at. Half of marriages end in divorce.
It's a fact, but it isn't the full reality. The statistics don't even take "seperations" into account.
A lot of people are legally married and yet no longer together.
It just costs too much money for the lawyer fees and they don't want to deal with the hassle.
So MORE than half of marriages fail.
Yet people are getting married every day even though the odds are clearly against them succeeding.
Why is that?
I guess it's for the same reason my husband I got married.
We want to believe that we're going to be the small percentage bracket that makes it to the end.
The old couple on the park bench holding hands and gazing into eachother's sagging watery eyes still with the love and passion that we feel today.
I looked forward to growing old with my hubby!
Thats why chose these dolls for the picture;
Its hard to ignore how they both look a little afraid and uneasy!
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