In the middle of an ocean storm, it's difficult to know which direction you should be going in.
Are your navigational systems giving you the information you need? Do you trust them?
We all have doubts about the direction we should travel.
You can't tell if that wave in front of you is five feet or 25 feet tall.
That little voice inside your head says it's five--it's ok. Rough but ok.
Then that nagging voice says 25--danger.
There's a lot of interference.
Which voice to listen to?
Remember what I wrote yesterday?
That's the way to go.
One has to go amidst the stormy waters, swim through them, however rough they maybe;
If we listen to our inner voice, and believe that we CAN and ARE capable enough to overcome
stormy rough weathers.....we can make it through to the end of the dark tunnel.
Yes, it'll be frightening, dangerous, and the doubts are monumental..
But the rewards are satisfying, though.