With the New year comes tremendous opportunity to start fresh, begin new projects and decide how we are going to change our lives for the better for the years ahead.
It's a great time to clean house, organize and set new priorities.
On the list of priorities needs to be 'YOU'.
It's funny how we usually forget that one. We get so caught in the daily grind that life overflows into the next day and the 'to do' list gets longer and more complex.
When do you slow down? When do you stop and listen to yourself and your inner voice that needs recognition and attention?
What can you do for you today? Just one simple thing.
What will it be?
How about making your self number 1?
Then plan to take 1 action per day to keep your self in the number 1 position.
For example, each morning before leaping out of bed, say to yourself,
"I am here in my body, in my life, in my world and I am my priority. I choose to care for myself with kindness and generosity. I love me."
The rest of your day may be spent meeting other's needs, your work schedule, family requirements, etc., however your intention is still in place.
You choose to be present and that is the most important present you can give to yourself.
If I am not for myself,
who is for me?
When I am for myself,
what am I?
If not now, when?
-Hillel 1st Century CE